Форум » Пехота » SCHLACHT BEI ZLOCZOW, AUGUST 1914 » Ответить


klemen: Dear colleagues, I am currently researching the operations of the Austro-Hungarian 6th Infantry Division during the famous Battle of Zloczow (Schlacht bei Zloczow 1914), which took place on 25th and 26th August 1914, east of Lwow (Lemberg) and during which the Austro-Hungarian III. Corps suffered tremendeous casualties. I have been able to identify the force which was on the opposite side as the troops of the Russian IX. Corps of the 3rd Russian Army. I was wondering whether anyone of you could perhaps provide me with a detailed Order of Battle of the IX.Corps, including corps, division and brigade commanders and from which area of Imperial Russia did the units of IX. Corps come from. I thank you for your help in advance. P.S.: I apologise for writing in English but my Russian is very rusty. We can however correspond in English, German, French or Serbo-Croatian. Best wishes, Klemen

Ответов - 3 новых

Zouave: Господа, для незнающих английского - требуется состав IX Армейского корпуса 3-й русской армии на момент сражения при Злочуве 25-26 августа 1914 г.

ivoloshka: 165 пехотный Луцкий полк

Борис: IX армейский корпус: 5 и 42 пехотные дивизии.

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